Play lottery online With PlayHugeLottos lets you play all your favourite international lotteries easily and securely online.
Learning how to play lottery online will only take a few moments of your time!
To play the lottery online with you can follow this simple procedure:
To play the lottery you will need to first register and log in to your account.Click on any PLAY NOW link and choose the lottery you wish to play by clicking on it.
You will then be directed to a play block for that particular lotto game.You have the option to select your own numbers or alternatively you can use the QUICK PICK button to quickly select a randomly generated set of numbers. Click on the right scroll button to add further entries.
You also have the option to select the draw date for your entries along with the length of time you wish your numbers to run for.
Once your numbers and draw days are selected all that remains is for you to click on the ADD TO CART button and proceed to CHECKOUT.
Confirm that you are happy with your entries and CONTINUE TO PAYMENT.
In the event of a win you will receive an email notification (or telephone call for any win over £200) and your funds will automatically be loaded to your play account.